Join the Retreat

Do you want to live a life more wild? Do you want to look up at dark skies, explore ancient rituals and quiet the noise for a moment? Then you’ve found the right place.


Come and join us as we follow the phases of the sun and moon, tune into seasonal recipes and books, and feel the joy of a simple, slow approach to life.

Let's walk through the seasons together shall we? Let’s gather at the Solstices and Equinoxes to find our way back to a simpler, slower pace of life. Let’s put down some roots, tune back in to the cycles of the moon and sun and feel some peace flow back into our bodies and souls.

Sign up for my newsletters and I will send you a regular slice of seasonal magic to help you live a life more wild. From soothing seasonal rituals and delicious recipes to ideas for celebrating the ancient seasonal festivals, my newsletters have been described as ‘warm, gentle and cosy’. My hope is they will find their way to you just when you most need them.

There are two levels; a free subscription plan for those who want to dip a toe in the waters first, and a paid Seasonal Retreat Membership for those who want to dive right into the cool refreshing water and swim under the stars.

Why take out a Seasonal Retreat Membership?

Free subscribers receive one free email from me a month. Think of it as a little nudge from me every so often to remind you that there is a simpler, wilder way of being.

Seasonal Retreat members get ALL the seasonal magic. Permission to look up at dark skies, follow the phases of the sun and moon, tune into seasonal recipes and gather online with like-minded souls at a few wild and ancient times of the year. At each of the Solstices and Equinoxes you will receive a package of (virtual) treats from me to help you tune into the unique Solar energy and ancient folklore of each season. And at the Solstice or Equinox itself we will all gather together in an online chat space to share the energy and magic of the day together.

Here’s what you get with each plan:

Free Subscribers get:

  • A Warm Welcome

  • 12 Monthly Notebook articles a year - these taster emails are packed with tips, recipes and ideas to give you a flavour of what seasonal living looks and feels like (hint: you’re going to love it). That might be enough for you. But if it leaves you wanting more, step forward the Seasonal Retreat Membership.

Paid Subscribers (Seasonal Retreat Members) for £4 month / £40 year get:

  • A Warm Welcome

  • A package of exclusive seasonal emails delivered to your inbox at each of the Solstices and Equinoxes to guide you through a mini online Seasonal Retreat. These emails are filled with seasonal goodies, from recipes and ritual ideas to folklore to seasonal book suggestions. If you liked the Monthly Notebook taster emails, this is the deep dive.

  • An invitation to a virtual gathering at each of the Solstices and Equinoxes, held in our private Substack chat space

  • An extra sprinkling of seasonal magic into your inbox whenever I feel you might need a lift. Often sent on the Full Moon

  • Access to my full library of seasonal retreat writing at any time

  • A deeper connection to the seasons

Whichever plan you choose I always try not to overwhelm your inbox and add to the digital clutter. My emails should land in your inbox just often enough to keep a seasonal thread of connection running throughout the year, but not too much to overwhelm you.

I designed this Seasonal Living community to be a peaceful, calming online space to help you to unlock a deeper connection to the natural world and settle into a natural rhythm. But I don’t want this to be something else you have to add to your to-do list. So there won’t be any intimidating group zoom calls, scheduled meetings, deadlines or coursework. Everything I send you will arrive gently and quietly in your inbox for you to enjoy and savour at your own pace. In a busy world, I want this to feel like a safe and warm place online to settle and rest for a while.

Just click below to upgrade your subscription.