Well, March is here! And at the end of this month it’s the Spring Equinox, which tips us firmly out of Winter and into Spring. Whether we’re ready or not.
Are you ready for it?
I’m hopeful that I will be when it arrives, but right now I’m in a sort of Winter-Spring exhaustion zone.
I can feel the lighter days are coming, and I’m enjoying the sunshine, but my energy levels are taking a bit longer to catch up.
So I’m going to keep this newsletter short and sweet today.
Firstly because, as mentioned above, I’m so tired I can’t guarantee any words I come up with will make a huge amount of sense. (I feel like we’re friends enough now that you won’t mind me admitting that.)
You might also be feeling the same way, so I will grant us all the gift of a brief newsletter today.
I’ve also realised that while some of this weariness is the result of emerging from a winter cocoon, much of it is a direct result of absorbing negative energy from outside sources. So this month I’m going to focus on putting up some energy boundaries.
Which is a fancy way of saying if someone around me has bad energy then I’m not going to let them drain mine any more. This counts for real life people but also works for public figures too... troublesome world leaders (ahem) fall into this camp.
If you also want to do the same I recommend it. Think of it as a Spring cleansing ritual.
Light a candle, charge up a healing crystal if that’s your thing, and draw an imaginary protective circle around yourself. No bad energy is allowed past that line. Imagine a little flame of warm sunlight inside that circle, pushing back against any dark energy. Hold that boundary firm and protect your own peace.
And reason number two for keeping this newsletter short, which is much nicer and more positive, is that as it’s the Spring Equinox on the 20th, I have a little mini online retreat planned for us all.
From the 16th - 20th March I will be sending a short email each morning with a Spring Equinox themed message, activity or thought. I hope you enjoy them, and that they will help to lift us all into the new season.
I feel positive that in a couple of weeks time, the rapidly rising light levels will have given us all a little boost of energy.
And with our new boundaries firmly in place, everything will feel brighter.
So, with that on the horizon, I will sign off for now, wishing you a happy and peaceful month. I’ll see you again on the 16th with an Equinox-themed newsletter to cheer us all up.
Until then,
Take very good care, and protect those energy boundaries,
Vicky x
This is a beautiful, and timely, post! I took a deep breath after reading it. I retire at the end of this year and am planning a retreat from a great deal of bad energy in the public forum. My plan is to walk the Camino de Santiago, all 500 miles, over a five week period. Most of the energy you encounter is pure nature and a beautiful opportunity to reconnect, heal, and relearn how to love yourself. Until then, I look forward to your affirmations.
How lovely to read this this morning. I've stopped reading/listening to/watching the news and focus on supporting and loving my own community as we did in the past before technology opened up the world to us. I wish you peace and comfort from my bed this morning as I drink my coffee and eat a biscuit for breakfast just because I can.