Funny I was just reading “If Women Rose Rooted” last night and author Sharon Blackie describes Loghcrew "mountain of the Cailleach, the divine hag of Irish mythology” In vivid detail. As for rituals, I love making an unusual wreath out of whatever is on hand, usually dried leaves, or seed pods.

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Oooh, that's great to know, thanks for sharing... I've got that book on my 'to read' list! I'll move it to the top of the pile now ☺️

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Yes I finally borrowed it from the library, read it, and realized it needs a permanent place in the book pile so I'll be purchasing it now. Really resonated with me.

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I’ve just been for a walk and it was wet, windy and warm! Definitely feeling the change of season and the need to cosy up! I did make that apple crumble at the weekend and it was very well received with lashings of custard.

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Ooh, excellent news! I really want to bake something apply today 🍎

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Victoria Harrison

You’re right about the weather being incredibly strange over the last few months...it’s definitely making me feel really anxious about climate change because it’s just not normal. It makes it feel strange trying to follow seasonal rituals when the seasons don’t feel ‘right’ but at the same time maybe it will be even more important to stick to the rituals as things go even more haywire in future, as it’s going to be even harder to ground ourselves in the usual ways.

It’s been really rainy here this week and I’ve enjoyed doing lots of crafts and baking with my daughter which feels very cosy and autumnal, and I’ve just decorated our season table for autumn which is looking lovely but in need of some more nature finds that we will add as we come across them!

I’m really enjoying this newsletter so thank you for writing it! ❤️

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Yes, I feel exactly the same. I've been really anxious about it recently - when you follow the seasons really closely you can start to see how out of sync everything it getting. That said, I've decided to focus on celebrating the seasons, more as an act of defiance than anything else! If drawing attention to seasons means people start to care more about them and want to protect them, then that can only be a good thing. Let's hope?

Your cosy autumn activities sound lovely, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the newsletter, that makes me very happy! ☺️

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Victoria Harrison

I’m sorry you’re feeling anxious too, the scary news is just relentless at the moment isn’t it. I definitely agree that drawing attention to the seasons is a great thing to do! As you say it will help people feel more engaged with what we are trying to protect, plus I feel like it’s good for my mental health as well. And talking about the seasons is also a good way into having conversations about the climate crisis, which is so so important! There’s a bit of a taboo about it at the moment (I think a lot of people are worried about bringing down the mood etc which I totally get) but I’m really trying to have those conversations because getting more people involved is the way we are going to make changes, and one really easy and impactful way that we can all help!

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I love the sound of the Equinox balancing ritual, it would feel so good to stop and reflect, thank you for this inspiration ❤️

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So glad you like the sound of it! It's always good to have a reason to stop and take a breather every now and again isn't it. The Equinoxes seem a good time to do just that ☺️ 💫

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All so beautiful and the perfect resource to keep coming back to. I love all of your ideas and yes the harvest donation baskets remind me of school and taking them to local old people’s homes, such a lovely thing to do. Also feel so absorbed by nature at the moment, everything feels magic, love the spiderwebs, all of the front gardens in our road seem to be decorated in them as if for Halloween! This week I found myself drawn to making soup which felt hearty and delicious as the weather changed xx

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Yes, we did the harvest donation boxes at school too - I feel like schools used to do Harvest celebrations really well - are they still that good? I don't have any school-age children yet so I'm not sure! Spiderwebs are magical at this time of year, totally agree... 🕸️

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Ah so nice. Yes I agree, harvest was (rightfully) a big deal at primary school. I will ask my sister who is a primary school teacher about the prominence of harvest in the curriculum these days...! xx

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Thank you for your generosity in sharing so much richness!! I have been feeling very discombobulated this week with the transition... I always forget how my body seems to struggle in the ‘in between’ seasons... but lots and lots of nature time over the last 48 hours has really soothed and grounded me. Love the balancing ritual idea! X

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Yes, the in-between seasons can be a bit unsettling. And discombobulated is an excellent word to describe it! 😁 Glad you liked the balancing ritual idea, I really enjoyed doing that too x

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Victoria Harrison

I remember I was startled to discover that the equinox was just the astronomical date of the sun going over the equator, and that the actual date of equal day/night varied: for instance, my sister in Brisbane experienced it on the 19th, my mum and dad and siblings back in the UK will have it on the 25th September, and I’ll get it on the 26th!

I remember we had harvest festival masses at school when I was small, and one year my mum made the harvest loaf- a tradition I still like to do at this time of year, though usually my baking is my son’s birthday cake, he was an equinox baby!

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Oh wow, I didn't realise it varied by quite that much. Now I'm going back to have to go back to my notes I think!

As for your harvest loaf - I love that as my mum used to do that every year too! She used to make us one in the shape of a sheaf of wheat with a little harvest mouse at the bottom. Ah, that's making me so nostalgic just thinking about it. Maybe you could make a Harvest birthday cake for your son? ☺️ 🌾 (or would he not be impressed by that?!)

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Victoria Harrison

This was a great read! Really interesting to learn about Loughcrew - I never heard of there being a neolithic site there until now. Just goes to show how good the Irish tourist board actually is at advertising Ireland to Irish people haha. Thanks for sharing the ritual too, I'll be doing that today.

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Thank you! And I know, I had to really dig around to find any info on Loughcrew, but it sounds amazing. Would love to be there for one of the Equinoxes 💫

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Liked by Victoria Harrison

Love all your suggestions! My favorites are watching the sunset (I wish I could get myself up early enough to watch the sunrise), taking nature walks, and spending as much time outside as possible before it gets too cold

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Yes I agree - the sunset is usually more achievable for most of us than a sunrise! Just as magical though 💫 ☺️

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Really love the harvest donation box idea. I have small children - always trying to think of ways to bring gratitude and kindness into out family rituals and traditions.

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I remember we always used to do this at school when I was younger - it was part of the Harvest festival, and it seems like a good thing to keep going!

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